Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Healthy but tasty ice cream

Who doesn't LOVE a delicious oreo blizzard from Dairy Queen? I do! However, while OK in moderation, such as a cheat day (or so I thought), the nutrition facts make me want to never eat another blizzard again. Ever. 
Small Oreo DQ Blizzard
620 calories, 23 grams of fat, 11 grams of saturated fat (55% of your daily value) , 67 grams of sugar, and 92 grams of carbs in ONE SMALL BLIZZARD. I knew a blizzard wasn't a healthy choice, but I didn't know it was THAT bad. I will definitely have second thoughts before ordering another any time soon! I don't even want to know what the nutrition facts for a medium or large would say...ok actually I do. I decided to check out a medium cookie dough blizzard because, who doesn't love cookie dough? 
Medium Cookie Dough DQ Blizzard
1020 calories, 40 grams of fat (24% of your daily value), 11 grams of saturated fat (120% of your daily value!!! Are you kidding me?!) , 108 grams of sugar, and 148 grams of carbs in ONE MEDIUM COOKIE DOUGH BLIZZARD. I honestly get a stomach ache thinking about this. It is recommended to eat less than 50 carbs per day on a low carb diet and this ONE treat is almost triple that amount. This is very eye opening and makes me think twice about what I am putting in my mouth. I am almost afraid to even look at a large, but I have to! How about a large brownie batter fudge blizzard because that just sounds delicious!
Large Brownie  Batter Fudge DQ Blizzard
1510 calories, 63 grams of fat (97% of your daily value), 40 grams of saturated fat (200% of your daily value!!! I honestly just want to cover my eyes and quit reading the rest) , 156 grams of sugar, and 217 grams of carbs in ONE LARGE BROWNIE BATTER FUDGE BLIZZARD.  

I really do love Dairy Queen, so to see this makes me very sad because I am fairly certain I won't be eating a blizzard any time in the near future. Doesn't this just make you wonder what REALLY is all in the ice cream you are putting in your body? I am a big ice cream fan, especially on a hot summer day, so again, this is a food I really don't want to give up. However, after looking at those nutrition facts, it is fairly obvious that if you would like to make a lifestyle change and begin eating healthy and low carb, a blizzard really isn't a realistic option for a frequent treat. If you still really love DQ ice cream and aren't willing to give it up, a small vanilla cone would be a better choice. (Don't get me wrong, it still isn't healthy, but it is a better choice than a blizzard) I don't mean to bad mouth Dairy Queen because as i've said, I really am a fan, which is why I chose to use their treats as my comparison. Simply because I was curious myself as to what I was eating.

When I think about why I want ice cream I think the main reason I think of is the fact that it is refreshing. It's cold on my throat, I love the creamy texture, and simply because it tastes good. Good news! I have a recipe that can help fill your ice cream craving with just a few healthy ingredients!

Strawberry Banana "ice cream"
(This is not my picture. I haven't made any since starting my blog so I don't have a picture.)

1 frozen banana, sliced 
5-6 large strawberries
a splash of original, unsweetened almond milk

Put all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until creamy. 

That's it! This one is my absolute favorite! And let me tell you first hand, you will fall in love. It tastes just like soft serve ice cream and you don't need to feel guilty about eating it often! It is also very filling! Oh, you don't like fruity ice cream flavors, you are more of a peanut butter or chocolate person? Sure! Here you go!

Peanut Butter Banana "ice cream"
1 1/2 frozen bananas, sliced
1 TBS PB2 powder (less fat and calories than normal peanut butter)
1 tsp. vanilla
*you may want to add a splash of original unsweetened almond milk if it isn't as creamy as you would like. 

Put in a food processor or blender and blend until creamy. If you like more of peanut butter taste, you may want to add more. 

Chocolate Banana "ice cream"
1/2 scoop chocolate whey protein powder (the kind pictures above is the brand I use and I LOVE it!)
1 frozen banana, sliced
splash of unsweetened original almond milk

Put in a food processor or blender and blend until creamy. The protein powder gives the "ice cream" a lighter and somewhat of an "airy" taste so it is important not to overblend. This is also good with a tsp of PB2 powder.

That's all I have for today! I hope you will enjoy these delicious alternatives to traditional ice cream!

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